cipta fail
app/views/layouts/main.blade.php sebagain kerangka utama :
- <html>
- <head>
- {{-- Common Header Stuff Here --}}
- </head>
- <body>
- <div class="navigation">
- @section('navigation')
- <a href="/">Home</a>
- <a href="/contact">Contact</a>
- @show
- </div>
- <div class="container">
- @yield('content')
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
dalam fail view rujukan :
- @extends('layouts.main')
- @section('content')
- <p>
- Here's your content
- </p>
- @stop
2. Output Content - guna @yield :
This is the bottom
This is the top
papar teks default :
@yield('content','No content')
- bila view tanpa @section('content')
, teks 'No content' akan dipaparkan
contoh :
@yield('content', '<span style="background:red">MISSING CONTENT</span>')
3. Papar pembolehubah dalam Blade :
Hello {{ $name }}
-untuk escap sequence :
Hello {{{ $name }}}
- fungsi htmlentities()
sebelum output ke web
- untuk guna default :
Hello {{{ $name or 'No name' }}}
- nak papar kurungan {
@{{ This is displayed WITH the braces on each side }}
4. @if Blade :@if ($age < 6)
Get outta here kid.
@elseif ($age < 21)
You can't buy booze in the United States.
Ha ha.
Buy me a drink?
5. @unless Blade :
@unless ($age >= 18)
You can't vote.
Nota : sama dengan if ( ! condition)
6. Komen dalam Blade :{{-- of course, you can have single line comments too --}}
7. @for Blade :@for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) <p>{{ $i }}</p> @endfor
8. @foreach Blade :<p>A list of items.</p> <ul> @foreach ($items as $item) <li>{{{ $item }}</li> @endforeach </ul>
atau :
<p>A dictionary.</p>
@foreach ($dict as $word => $meaning)
<dt>{{{ $word }}}</dt>
<dd>{{{ $meaning }}</dd>
9. @while Blade :
@while ($item = array_pop($items)) <li>{{{ $item }}</li> @endforeach
10. @include Blade :@include('common-header')
- ini akan include :views/common-header.php
guna pembolehubah :
contoh :
bina fail :
<div> Name: {{ $item->name }}<br> Description: {{{ $item->description }}} </div>
@foreach ($items as $foo)
@include('partials.item-display', array('item' => $foo))
11. Render View untuk item dalam collection:@each('items.single', $items, 'item')
ini bersamaan :
@foreach ($items as $item)
@include('items.single', ['item' => $item])
contoh lain :
@each('items.single', $items, 'item', 'raw|There are no items')
12. Yield seksyen Blade - guna @show:
Something here
But we'll end it, so it won't output
Something else
13. Injek Content dalam seksyen Blade :
I Am Legend
@section('movies', 'I Am Legend')
paparkan dengan :
lain arahan dalam section :
- berhenti injek. -
- sama dengan@stop
. -
- yield seksyen dalam blade. -
- berhenti injek, dan tambah. -
- berhenti injek dan overwrite.
14. @stop
hasil :
hasilnya :
hasilnya :
17. Parent Section dalam Blade :
hasil :
- @section('test')
- Bottom
- @stop
- {{-- Later --}}
- @section('test')
- Top
- @show
18. Tag content dalam Blade :
Blade::setContentTags('[%', '%]');
-nak guna tag '[%' instead of {{
Blade::setContentTags('[-%', '%-]', true);
19. Tag Escaped Content Blade
Blade::setContentTags('[{{', '}}]');
20. Output Translation dalam Blade :
- untuk placehorder :
@lang('messages.welcome', ['name' => $name])
21. Output Translation dengan 'plural' dalam Blade :
@choice('messages.items', 1)
- untuk palceholder :
@choice('message.items', 3, ['type' => 'widget']);
22. Arahan Blade :
{{ $var }}
- Echo content{{ $var or 'default' }}
- Echo content with a default value{{{ $var }}}
- Echo escaped content{{-- Comment --}}
- A Blade comment@extends('layout')
- Extends a template with a layout@if(condition)
- Starts an if block@else
- Starts an else block@elseif(condition)
- Start a elseif block@endif
- Ends a if block@foreach($list as $key => $val)
- Starts a foreach block@endforeach
- Ends a foreach block@for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
- Starts a for block@endfor
- Ends a for block@while(condition)
- Starts a while block@endwhile
- Ends a while block@unless(condition)
- Starts an unless block@endunless
- Ends an unless block@include(file)
- Includes another template@include(file, ['var' => $val,...])
- Includes a template, passing new variables.@each('file',$list,'item')
- Renders a template on a collection@each('file',$list,'item','empty')
- Renders a template on a collection or a different template if collection is empty.@yield('section')
- Yields content of a section.@show
- Ends section and yields its content@lang('message')
- Outputs message from translation table@choice('message', $count)
- Outputs message with language pluralization@section('name')
- Starts a section@stop
- Ends section@endsection
- Ends section@append
- Ends section and appends it to existing of section of same name@overwrite
- Ends section, overwriting previous section of same name
23. Bina pembolehubah dalam Blade :
<?php $var = 'test'; ?> {{ $var }}
{{--*/ $var = 'test' /*--}}
{{ $var }}
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